We develop NLP models which deal with real-world texts and help answer multi-disciplanry research questions in various domains and langauges. We always welcome collaboration, please reach out if interested!

Visit our github page for a complete list of open source projects.
Lab meeting, March 2023

Current Members


Uri Berger 🏠

Language Acquisition, specifically in realistic settings- e.g. using interaction or multi-modality.
Coadvised with Omri Abend and Lea Frermann.

Itay Itzhak 🏠

Language models interpretability, biases and evaluation.
Coadvised with Yonatan Belinkov.

Gili Lior 🏠

Exploring aspects at the intersection of human cognition and natural language processing.

Asaf Yehudai 🏠

Neural Machine Translation, Coreference Resolution and models biases.
Coadvised with Omri Abend.


Noam Dahan

Hebrew NLP in the news domain.

Eliya Habba

NLP for the Hebrew legal domain.
Coadvised with Renana Keydar.

Saifun Naveh

Multilingual semantic representations.


Phd: Yonatan Bitton (2023)
Msc: Yarden Yagil (2023), Bar Eluz (2022), Dan Malkin (2022), Gili Lior (2022), Bar Tamir (2022), Eran Nussinovitch (2022), Sapir Weissbuch (2022), Koren Lazar (2021)
Bsc: Mohr Wenger (2021), Tom Kalir (2021), Shahar Levy (2021)
Visitors: Tomasz Limisiewicz (2022)